The Columns Concept at Westminster College encompasses the transformation that takes place within a student during her college career. The emphasis Westminster puts on developing service leaders in a global community transforms a naïve freshman to a responsible senior ready to make a difference in the world when she graduates. Living the core values of Westminster transforms us into better persons and, more importantly, better citizens of the world. Blue Jays believe in giving back to the global community and the Davis Projects for Peace has provided an important stepping stone for us to live the mission.
At Westminster College, the process of learning is very closely tied in with service. The million dollar decision by Kathryn Wasserman Davis plays a very significant role in the learning process that Westminster highly focuses on. Her decision to fund 100 projects every year since 2006 gave the Westminster Service enthusiasts another reason to rush for the global rescue. As a part of this close knit community, strongly devoted to living the true core values of Westminster, we applied and were the recipients of the Davis Projects for Peace.
Kathryn Davis has been a lifelong philanthropist, supporting student development and showcasing global commitment in various ways. Her humanitarian work has left a mark on a wide range of institutions and has successfully inspired innumerable students. In spite of all her achievements, Kathryn was not content. She wanted to do more to help the world. Her years of experience led her to seek the aid of younger generations in her noble quest to make the world a better place to live in. Kathryn made up her mind to establish Projects for Peace to celebrate her 100th birthday and has renewed her commitment every year since saying, “I want to use my birthday to once again help young people launch some initiatives that will bring new energy and ideas to the prospects of peace in the world.” From then on she pledged a million dollars worth of funding for hundred peace projects each year; she left the interpretation to what incorporates peace to the applicants, and sky was the limit. She has funded more than five hundred projects around the globe; consequently the commitment to help the world has only strengthened since then.
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